Useful Health Information And Diet Recommendation

Standard Blood Levels

The blood in the human body carries different kinds proteins, fats, iron and carbohydrates in the form of cholesterol, lipids, triglycerides, uric acid and sugar to the various parts of the body. The correct composition of these nutrients in the blood is very important. These nutrients when in excess can affect the normal function of the human body resulting in different health issues..

The list below shows the Standard Blood Levels with normal values:
Standard Blood Levels Normal Values
Total Cholesterol >180 mg/dl with CHD*
<200 mg/dl with CHD*
HDL-C >45 mg/dl for men
>55 mg/dl for women
LDL-C >100 mg/dl with CHD*
<130 mg/dl with CHD*
VLDL-C <28 mg/dl
triglycerides <130 mg/dl
Blood Sugar
Fasting <120 mg/dl
Post Prandial <160 mg/dl
Uric Acid <8 mg/dl
Creatinine <1.5 mg/dl
Urea 20-40 mg/dl
Bilirubin(total) 0.2-0.8 mg/dl
SGOT <40 IU/litre
SGPT <40 IU/litre
Serum Alkaline Phosphates 279 IU
Serum Albumin 4.5-6.0 gm/dl
Male 13-18 gm/dl
Female 12-16 gm/dl
Blood Pressure
Male : > 45 years <140/90 mm/hg
Male : < 45 years <130/85-90 mm/hg
Female <140/90 mm/hg
* CHD-Coronary Heart Disease

Approximate daily allowances of various foods for an executive

An Executive will have enough responsibilities to worry about. Do not allow a health issue to be one of them. Proper diet results in a healthy body.

The information below gives a list of food groups with the approximate and number of servings per day:
Food Group Approximate Size of Serving Number of Servings per day at various Caloric Levels(Kcal)*
  1200 1500 1800 2000
Skim or Low fat dairy 1 cup skim or low fat milk or yoghurt/40 gm. low fat cheese 2 2 2 3
Lean meat or fish or poultry without skin 80-100 gm. cooked lean meat, fish or poultry without skin 1 1 1 2
Pulses and Legumes Katori dal or beans cooked 2 3 3 4
Vegetables   3 3 3 4
Fruits ½ cup cut-up 3 4 4 4
Breads or cereals or starches 1 chapati, 1 slice whole wheat bread or ½ cup cooked rice or pasta or 3 tsp ready to eat cereal 6 8 10 11
Fats or oils 1 tsp oil 5 5 6 6
Sugar In moderation only
Alcohol In moderation only
* Kilo Calories


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