NRIOL - FAQ for New Indian professionals in USA choosing a house

How do I choose an apartment? How do I install basic essentials like cable, electricity, gas etc. in my house?

Apartments have one, two or three bedrooms and one or two bathrooms in addition to a kitchen and living room. It would be economical to share your apartment with a couple of friends. If you want to live independently, check our "efficiency" or "studio" apartments, which are small, often with the living and sleeping areas in the same room. The rentals vary depending upon the part of the country and local supply and demand. When you move, you will be given a list of numbers of various service providers such as cable TV and electricity. As for electricity, call the local electric company before you move in so that you have power supply when you do so. To get a TV cable connection, call your local cable operator and sign up for service. Ask for special deals and attractions.

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