FAQ related to accessing internet in USA for new Indians

How and where can I access the Internet from (apart from place of work)? Is this going to cost me? If so, what are the charges?

Once you have an apartment, and a telephone connection (we presume your employer provided you with a laptop... otherwise you have to wait till you buy a desktop!), subscribe to one of the ISP's for Internet. The monthly charge for Internet access is decreasing each day and in fact some ISP's like Netzero, provide free internet access. However, you can subscribe to one month of free trial to any of the top ISP's like AOL, MSN, Mindspring etc. Make sure to call them up and cancel the subscription in time. There were occasions when ISP's charged inspite of canceling the service. In such a case do not hesitate to call them and ask for refund!! You will get back your money.

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