India's relative ranking in the world

These statistics put in perspective India's relative position in the world order. These highlight India's ranking globally for vital statistics such as population, GDP (nominal and PPP), Land Area, GDP per capita, forest area, maximum hospitals, currency and availability of fresh water.
  • Area
  • Population
  • GDP
  • Per capita income
  • Fresh Water
  • Max. hospitals
  • Currency value
  • Forest Area
  • Poverty

India's rank globally in Area

Rank Country Area (km2)
1 russia flag  Russia 17,098,242
2 canada flag  Canada 9,984,670
3 america flag  United States of America 9,826,675
4 china flag  China 9,596,961
5 brazil flag  Brazil 8,514,877
6 australia flag  Australia 7,741,220
7 india flag  India 3,287,263
8 argentina flag  Argentina 2,780,400
9 kazakhstan flag  Kazakhstan 2,724,900
10 algeria flag  Algeria 2,381,741

Source: Maps of World (As of 2011)

India's rank globally for population

Rank Country Population % of world population
1 china flag  China 1,415,045,928 18.54%
2 india flag  India 1,354,051,854 17.74%
3 america flag  USA 326,766,748 4.28%
4 indonesia flag  Indonesia 266,794,980 3.50%
5 brazil flag  Brazil 210,867,954 2.76%
6 pakisthan flag  Pakistan 200,813,818 2.63%
9 nigeria flag  Nigeria 195,875,237 2.57%
7 bangladesh flag  Bangladesh 166,368,149 2.18%
8 russia flag  Russia 143,964,709 1.89%
10 japan flag  Japan 127,185,332 1.67%

Source: Wikipedia (As of 2018)
Nominal GDP: Countries are sorted by nominal GDP estimates from financial and statistical institutions, which are calculated at market or government official exchange rates.
GDP (PPP) The amount of adjustment needed on the exchange rate between countries in order for the exchange to be equivalent to each currency's purchasing power.
India's rank for GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Rank GDP (Nominal) GDP (PPP)
Country Nominal ($Billion) Country PPP (purchasing power parity) ($Billion)
1 america flag  United States 19,391 china flag  China 23,159
2 china flag  China 12,015 america flag  United States 19,391
3 japan flag  Japan 4,872 india flag  India 9,459
4 germany flag  Germany 3,685 japan flag  Japan 5,429
5 uk flag  United Kingdom 2,625 germany flag  Germany 4,171
6 india flag  India 2,611 russia flag  Russia 4,008
7 france flag  France 2,584 indonesia flag  Indonesia 3,243
8 brazil flag  Brazil 2,055 brazil flag  Brazil 3,240
9 italy flag  Italy 1,938 uk flag  United Kingdom 2,914
10 canada flag  Canada 1,652 france flag  France 2,836
11 korea flag  Korea 1,538 mexico flag  Mexico 2,458

Source: Wikipedia (As of 2018)
Per capita GDP: An approximation of the value of goods produced per person in the country, equal to the country's GDP divided by the total number of people in the country.

Per capita income

Serial no. Country Per Capita GDP (US) (Gross Domestic Product)
1 america flag  United states $59,500
2 japan flag  Japan $42,800
3 germany flag  Germany $50,400
4 france flag  France $43,800
5 uk flag  United Kingdom $44,100
7 china flag  China $16,700
6 brazil flag  Brazil $15,600
8 india flag  India $7,200
9 pakistan flag  Pakistan $5,400
10 bangladesh flag  Bangladesh $4,200

SSource: United Nations Statistics Division (As of 2017)
Cubic kms: The volume of a cube of side length one kilometre (1000 m). 1 km3 = 1000000000 m3 = 1 TL

India's rank globally for renewable fresh water

Rank Country Cubic kms
1 brazil flag  Brazil 8233
2 russia flag  Russia 4508
4 america flag  USA 3069
3 canada flag  Canada 2902
6 china flag  China 2840
7 colombia flag  Colombia 2132
5 indonesia flag  Indonesia 2019
8 peru flag  Peru 1913
9 india flag  India 1911
10 congo flag  D.R. Congo 1283

Source: Maps of World (As of 2018)

India's rank globally for maximum hospitals

Rank Country Maximum hospitals
1 china flag  China 69,105
2 india flag  India 15,067
3 vietnam flag  Vietnam 12,500
4 nigeria flag  Nigeria 11,588
5 russia flag  Russia 11,200
6 japan flag  Japan 9,413
7 egypt flag  Egypt 7,411
8 south korea  South Korea 6,446
9 brazil flag  Brazil 6,410
10 america flag  USA 6,097

Source: Maps of World (As of 2014)
INR - Indian Rupee

Currency value

Serial no. Country Local : Rupee (INR) Rupee (INR) : Local Dollar value
1 america flag  United states 1.00 USD = 72.192991 INR 1 INR = 0.013852 USD 1 USD = 1 US Dollars
2 japan flag  Japan 1.00 JPY = 0.634268 INR 1 INR = 1.576621 JPY 1 USD = 113.91 Japanese Yen
3 brazil flag  Brazil 1.00 BRL = 19.1111 INR 1 INR = 0.052683 BRL 1 USD = 3.78128 Brazilian Real
4 china flag  China 1.00 CNY = 10.383230 INR 1 INR = 0.096309 CNY 1 USD = 6.95462 Chinese Yuan
5 germany flag  Germany 1.00 EURO = 81.4163 INR 1 INR = 0.01226 EURO 1 USD = 0.88823 Euro
6 france flag  France 1.00 CHF = 71.6416 INR 1 INR = 0.01393 CHF 1 USD = 1.00935 Swiss Franc
7 uk flag  United Kingdom 1 GBP = 93.4940 INR 1 INR = 0.01068 GBP 1 USD = 0.77345 British Pound
8 india flag  India 1 INR = 1 INR 1 INR = 1 INR 1 USD = 72.3249 Indian Rupee
9 pakisthan flag  Pakistan 1.00 PKR = 0.54064 INR 1 INR = 1.83765 PKR 1 USD = 133.141 Pakistani Rupee
10 bangladesh flag  Bangladesh 1.00 BDT = 0.85422 INR 1 INR = 1.14552 BDT 1 USD = 82.9948 Bangladeshi Taka

Source: Xe currency converter and wikipedia (As of 2018)

Forest Area

Rank Country Forested area (km2) % of land area
1 russia flag  Russia 7,762,602 45.40%
2 brazil flag  Brazil 4,776,980 56.10%
3 canada flag   Canada 3,101,340 31.06%
4 america flag  United States 3,030,890 30.84%
5 china flag  China 1,821,000 18.21%
6 france flag  Democratic Republic of the Congo 1,819,326 50.00%
7 australia flag  Australia 1,470,832 19.00%
8 argentina flag  Argentina 945,336 34.00%
9 indonesia flag   Indonesia 884,950 46.46%
10 india flag  India 778,424 23.68%

Population living under 1.25 and 2 dollar (PPP) a day (%): Here is a lists of countries by the percentage of their population with an income of less than 1.25, and less than 2, US dollars per day. The sourced data during the period 1992-2011.
Population living below national poverty line (%): Countries by the percentage of the population living below the national poverty line - the poverty line deemed appropriate for a country by its authorities. National estimates are based on population - weighted subgroup estimates from household surveys.

Population living below national poverty line (%) Population living under 1.25 and 2 dollar (PPP) a day (%) (International poverty line)
Serial no. Country World bank < $1.25 < $2
1 india flag  India 29.5 32.67 68.72
2 bangladesh flag  Bangladesh 26 29 76.54
3 pakistan flag  Pakistan 22.3 21.04 60.19
4 brazil flag  Brazil 21.4 6.14 10.82
5 america flag  United states NA NA NA
6 france flag  France NA NA NA
7 uk flag  United Kingdom NA NA NA
8 germany flag  Germany NA NA NA
9 japan flag  Japan NA NA NA
10 china flag  China NA NA NA

Source: Wikipedia (As of 2014)
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