
Popular Sikh Boy Baby Names starting with 'V'

We are happy to present our comprehensive list of Unique Sikh Boy Baby Names from Gurbani starting with letter V in a simple and easy to navigate format. The table below gives a list of popular Sikh boy names for letter V from Guru Granth Sahib ji along with its english meanings for your child. These traditional Sikh baby boy names starting with letter a are popular among NRIs living across the world.
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Modern Sikh Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'V'

Vachan Vow, Declaration, Speech
Vaibhav Richness Power Eminence
Vallabh Beloved
Vamanjit Victory of impatience
Var Gift, Times, As in a Many Times
Vaar Times
Vanjeet Lord from the forest
Variam The brave one
Varis Gift of God
Varun Lord of the Waters, Neptune, Intelligent, Sensible, Smart, God of Rain
Varundeep Light of the Lord
Varunjeet Success of Lord
Varunpal Protected by God
Vazir Minister
Vedan Spiritual Knowledge
Vedit Knowledge
Vehan Power,Intelligent
Veerpal Heroic protector
Veer A brave person
Veerindar A brave godly person
Veerjot Brave, courageous
Vichar Philosophy Extensive reflection Contemplation
Vihan God Of Bravery
Vihar Lord Krishna,Shiva
Vimit Humble
Vijai Victory
Vijay Victory
Vijaybir Victory of Brave
Vijaydeep Light of Success
Vijaypratap Glory of victory
Vijender God of Bravery
Vikas Widening, Development, Expanding, Developer, Progress, Brightness
Vikramjeet Successful and Bold
Vikramjit God of bravery
Vimal Wise, Pure, Clean, Honest, Affectionate
Vimalbir Pure and Brave
Vimaljot Pure Light
Vinesh Godly
Vinay Good Manners, Modesty, Polite
Vinaybir Brave and Modest
Vir Brave
Viraaj King
Viraj Resplendent, Splendour, Intelligent, To Shine, Lord Vishnu, Brave
Virajesh Lord Krishna
Viram Brave
Virinder King of warriors
Vishaljeet Great victory
Vishwpal Protector of the World
Vishwaraj King of the world
Vismad Wondrous
Visraman One who is carefree
Vivek Always Energetic, Knowledge, Intelligent, Calm, Intelligence, Judgement, Right, Conscience, Patience
Vivekbir Wise and Brave
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