
Popular Sikh Boy Baby Names starting with 'B'

We are happy to present our comprehensive list of Unique Sikh Boy Baby Names from Gurbani starting with letter B in a simple and easy to navigate format. The table below gives a list of popular Sikh boy names for letter B from Guru Granth Sahib ji along with its english meanings for your child. These traditional Sikh baby boy names starting with letter a are popular among NRIs living across the world.
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Modern Sikh Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'B'

Baaz Falcon,Music,To play An instrument,Eagle
Baban Winner,Happy
Bachan Promise
Bachanbir Brave Promise
Bachittar A person with wondrous merits
Bahadar One who is brave and courageous
Bahadurjit Victory of the brave
Baj Hawk Sharpe
Bakhat Time, Point of Time
Bakshi Blessed
Baksis Divine Blessing
Bakhsheesh The blessed one
Bakshish Devine blessing
Balavant Lord Hanuman
Balbir Strong, Couragious, Valiant Hero
Baldeep Creative and Idealistic
Baldev The mighty god, Another Name of Balram
Balendra Lord Krishna
Baljeet Mighty victorious
Balaknath Balaknath
Balkar Mighty creator
Balminder A clever person
Balnoor Light of the strong
Balraj King
Baljiwan Life with strength
Baltej One with glorious might
Balvan Powerful and mighty
Balveer Powerful
Balvinder Strong
Balvir Strong Soldier
Balwant Full of migh
Balwinder Powerful king
Banda The Person
Banjeet Victory of the forest
Barindra The Ocean
Bayju Lord Shiva
Baz Roya King
Beant Without end - infinity
Bhagat Devotee of God
Bhagatveer The brave devotee of God
Bhavneet Moral of the world
Bhagatveer The fearless devotee of God
Bhagwan God, Ishwar
Bhajan One who is absorbed in God's Love
Bhim Powerful
Bhiv Cool
Bhupendra king from the earth
Bhupinder The king of kings
Bik Stride,Strong
Bikram Strong
Bipin Sweet
Bimaljot Pure Light
Bimbita Reflected
Binay Blessing
Binder Brave Leader
Binota Happy
Bipula Plenty,Much,Strong,Manifold
Birjeet Victory of the Brave
Birjot Light of the Brave
Birpal Fosterer of Braves
Birindar The brave god
Bisan God
Bisar Forget
Bishmeet Great friend
Bishanpal Raised By God
Bishan Supreme God, Immaculate God, Lord Vishnu
Bisman Black, Dark Blue
Biswajit The world winner
Bittu Lovely Baby
Blajit He who is a mighty victor
Brahamjeet Brahmdev
Brahmjot One in union with God
Brahmleen Absorbed in God's Love
Brahmvir God's warrior
Brinder The ocean's ruler
Budhjiwan Wise Life
Budhpreet Love of Wisdom
Buji A nick loving name
Buksis A Bakshish'a alternate
Bulwinder Powerful King
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