
Popular Sikh Boy Baby Names starting with 'A'

We are happy to present our comprehensive list of Unique Sikh Boy Baby Names from Gurbani starting with letter A in a simple and easy to navigate format. The table below gives a list of popular Sikh boy names for letter A from Guru Granth Sahib ji along with its english meanings for your child. These traditional Sikh baby boy names starting with letter a are popular among NRIs living across the world.
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Modern Sikh Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'A'

Aadi Starting, First, Sun God, Lord Shiva
Aagyakar obedient
Aagyapal One who maintains obedience
Aary God's Name, Lord Rama
Aar Star
Aas The act of waiting,Having hope
Aashish Blessing
Aavai Arrive, To come
Aayu Span of Life, Age
Abani Earth
Abid Worshipper of God
Abhaidev Free of fear
Abhaijeet Victory over fear
Abhi Brave,King of Universe
Abahijeevan Fearless life
Abhiroop Handsome
Abinaash Eternal, immortal
Achar Inaminate
Achet Unconscious
Achint Without Worry
Adi Beginning
Aditpal Protector of the Sun
Adol Stable
Agamjit God's light; Victory of God
Agamjot God's light,The profound
Agampreet The lover of God
Aganee Fire
Ahsmit Trustworthy friend
Ajaib One whosecaretaker is the Lord,Wonderful
Ajaipal One whosecaretaker is the Lord
Ajar Forever,The God
Ajaypal To gain,a victory over
Ajeet Invincible,unconquerable
Ajitesh Unconquerable god
Ajitpal One who is invincible; Unconquerable
Ajmir Presence of the foremost one
Akal,Akaal Timeless,Immortal, Undying
Akaldeep The Eternal Lamp, God's Lamp
Akalprem Love of God
Akalpreet Love of God
Akalsharan The one takingshelter in God
Akalsukh Forever in peaceand delight
Akashpreet Love for Sky
Akhandpreet Undivided love
Akhee Of an eye as in a blink of an eye
Alokpal Preserver of light
Amaljot Pure flame
Aman The one who is peaceful
Amanbir The one who fights for peace
Amandeep The lamp of peace
Amandev The god of peace
Amanjeet Peace attainder
Amanpal The protector of peace
Amanpreet One who loves peace
Amanvir The one who fights for peace
Amar The immortal one
Amarit God's nectar
Amarjeet Forever victorious
Amarpreet The immortal Love of Lord
Ambreesh God of sky
Amberjit God of sky
Amitesh Infinite God
Amrit God's Nectar
Amritpal One protected by the Lord's Nectar
Anant Endless, boundless, infinite
Anantarjot God's Light
Aneel Holy, immaculate being
Aneeldeep Holy, pristine light
Angad One who is embraced by God
Aniljot Light of air
Anokh Extraordinary and wondrous
Anoop Matchless beauty
Anoopjot Radiating the Beauteous Light
Anraj In the manner of royalty
Anupreet Power
Antarjot The Divine Light within
Araj Pray, Fragrance
Arsh Crown, Dominion, Throne, Gift, Compensation, Sky, Importance
Arman Hope
Arshbir God of Sky
Arth Meaning, Like an Eagle
Arun Mythical Charioteer of the Sun; Dawn, Red Colour, Sun, Calm
Arunjeet Morning Victory
Aseem Limitless, infinite
Aash Hope
Asneh Intimate Love
Atal Admiring, Immovable, Attractive, Immoveable, Stable, Unshakeable
Atam Adam, Self, Spiritual
Atma Soul
Atamveer Spiritually brave
Aum Grateful,Spiritual
Aveer rave,One who fights for peace,Strong
Avinash Eternal, immortal
Avon A-one
Avtar Incarnation of God
Azeez Beloved,Friend,Comrade,Dear
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