Lord Shiva also known as Mahadeva. The other popular names associated with Shiva are Mahesh, Maheshwar, Shankar, Shambhu, Rudra, Har, Trilochan, Devendra and Trilokinath. Lord Shiva is a Hindu Supreme deity considered as the destroyer of all evils. The lord is an incarnation of lord Vishnu. It is well known that Lord Shiva looks like an eternal youth as he has authority over death, immortality and rebirth.
Lord Shiva Slokas
"Kailaasarana Shiva Chandramouli
Phaneendra Maathaa Mukutee Zalaalee
Kaarunya Sindhu Bhava Dukha Haaree
Thujaveena Shambho Maja Kona Taaree"
Oh, Lord Shiva, who is seated on Mount Kailas, whose forhead is decorated with the moon and the king of serpents as a crown, who is the Ocean of Mercy and the remover of delusion, You alone can protect me. I surrender to thee.
We worship the three eyed One (Lord Shiva) who is fragrant and who nourishes all beings; may He liberate me from death, for the sake of immortality, even as cucumber is severed from its bondage of the vine.
Please save me, oh Lord Kaamaarey (another name for Lord Shiva). You are mother Gauri's consort; You are the One who drank the kaala koota poison (which resulted from the churning of the ocean); You are the destroyer of the three cities. Oh Lord I have taken refuge at Your Feet.
"Mrutyunjayaaya Rudraaya
Neelakantaaya Shambhave
Amriteshaaya Sarvaaya
Mahadevaaya Te Namaha"
I pray to Lord Mahadeva who has conquered death, who is the destroyer of the universe, who has a blue neck and who gives happiness to all.
I bow down to the Lord of Uma (Parvathi), the divine Guru, the cause of the universe. I bow down to the Lord who is adorned with snake and wears tiger skin, the Lord of all creatures. I bow down to the Lord whose three eyes are the sun, moon and fire and to whom Lord Vishu is near. I bow down to the Lord who is the refuge of all devotees and the giver of boons, Shiva Shanakara.
We worship the three - eyed One, Lord Siva, Who is fragrant and Who nourishes all beings.May He liberate me from the death, for the sake of Immortality, just as the ripe cucumber gets severed from the bondage of the vines.
"Nagendra Haaraaya Trilochanaaya
Bhasmanga Raagaya Maheshwaraya
Nithyaaya Suddhaaya Dhigambaraaya
Thasmai Na Kaaraaya Namashivaya Nama Shivaaya"
I offer my humble salutations to Lord Mahesvara who has a garland of serpants around the neck, who has three eyes, whose body is covered with ash, who is eternal who is pure who has the entire sky as his dress and who is embodies as the first letter Na.
Oh! Lord Nandhikesha, highly distinguished, Son of Gowri and wholly devoted in meditation of Lord Shiva, please grant us the deserving permission to worship Lord Shiva.
"Neelakantam Virupaksham Nirmalam
Nilayapradtham Namami Sirasa Devam
Kimno Mrithyu Karishyathee"
What can death do to me when I salute Lord Shiva whose throat is blue, who has three eyes, who is pure and blesses stability
I salute Lord Shiva who removes poverty and sorrow, who is the Lord of Goddess Gowri, who has five faces, who protects his devotees and who is the Lord of this universe
Salutations to Sri Vaidhyanatha who holds the gushing waters of river Ganga and the crescent moon in this head locks. Salutations to the three eyed Lord Shiva worshipped by all Devas who subdued Yama and the Cupid.
Oh Lord! Please forgive me for all the wrong actions that I have commited knowingly or unknowingly with my hands, feet, speech, body, ears, eyes and mind. Victory to you, Oh Lord of compassion and Mercy
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