Where good overcomes bad
and innocence becomes supreme
where the meek become powerful
and the sun keeps shining brighter
Where man and woman,
black and white,
old and young stand
and come together in
peace and harmony
Where the trees shed leaves
and soften the earth below
where stones become steps
to wisdom and knowledge
Where a thousand lamps bring love
to the darkest corners of our hearts
where the sweet smell of jasmines
empower and enrich our senses
Where the scent of the incense stick
tugs at even the wicked heart
Where the string around the banyan
tree binds us all together
in search of a temple
in search of truth
I find love and joy and all things good.
This poem is a small tribute to that wonderful place called "god's own". Every time I visit a temple, I can literally purify myself and my thoughts just by thinking pure
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~ Sekhar Vijay, New York, USA.August 9, 2000