Not more than 20% of the total value of contents in respect of a single item.
Rateable proportion of loss in case of underinsurance (permitted upto 15%, only for the package policies, not for stand alone Fire policies).
Contribution clause to operate in case of double insurance.
Other Features
Claims to be notified immediately by any means followed by written intimation within a week.
For Burglary/Theft / Jewellery / Baggage/ Cash in transit claims F.I.R. is a must.
For Fire benefit auto reinstatement of sum insured will be there unless otherwise opted immediately after occurrence of loss.
Cancellation notice on either side would be 15 days.
No refund on cancellation in case there is a claim under the policy.
Though the pre-underwritten packages give a fixed sum insured, there will be an option to increase the sum insured in case of Fire:Building cover only.
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