NRIOL FAQs for new Indian professionals to the US

What formalities will I need to complete at the airport on arrival in the US?

At the port-of-entry (international airport where you first land in the US), you have to go through the immigration authorities and clear customs. After which you can board a domestic flight if required to reach your final destination.

While still on flight before landing at the port-of-entry, you will be given the I-94 form to complete. Here you should correctly specify your Company’s contact number, address and other relevant information, as well as your contact information. Keep your passport, H1 paper (Blue form) and the I-94, together. To questions asked at the immigration counter, your responses should be to the point. Make sure that whatever you say match with what you have filled in the form.

It is very important that you that you carefully retain the I-94 after leaving the immigration counter. The relevant part of the I94 is usually stapled to your passport. You will need the I-94 while applying for the Social Security Number. You will also need this document when leaving the United States.

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